Ring the Peak Trail Pikes Peak

Ring the Peak Trail
Website & Interactive Map

For 25 years a collective of local Colorado Springs organizations and citizens have worked to create a continious ring of trails around America's Mountain, Pikes Peak. As the ring nears completion, public and private support is needed for land usage, funding, and trail maintenance.

Project Needs

The existing Ring the Peak Trail website was built for free years ago and needed a complete re-design to show the project is forward-leaning as well excite those who visit the site.

Our Goal

Raise community awareness around the Ring the Peak Trail as well as provide a useful tool to plan trips and help educate the world about the nearly complete ring around Pikes Peak.

Creating excitement and way for the community to engage.

While the trails maintained and created for the Ring the Peak Trail system are used by tens of thousands of people yearly, but past the trail signs there is no direct route for the community and the users of these trails to engage with the trails and help support the mission of completing the ring. By creating a visual system that is both light and open as well as creating avenues for the community to be involved, our hope was to make this a website for engagement and fundraising.

Ring around Pikes Peak illustration
Ring the Peak Trail Website Design
Ring the Peak Trail interactive map design
Ring the Peak Trail interactive map design
Ring the Peak Trail responsive interactive map design

Creating a map to help people plan and explore.

While Previously the team was using Google My Maps to achieve a crude trail map it wasn't very interactive, informative, and didn't really captivate or educate. We set out to create a tool for Ring the Peak Trail that would allow users to explore the trail system and be educated as well. We created a strong foundation using Mapbox GL JS code so that the team can add features and new data for years to come.

Want to see the live site?

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