3 Peaks Westcliffe nighttime photo

3 Peaks Photography & Design
Website Design

Mike Pach, of 3 Peaks Photography is a well know local Colorado photographer who had created a name for himself as an amazing astrophotographer, experienced event photographer, as well as a teacher for many students on a national level. However, his website needed a serious facelift to create a sense of focus as well as adequately celebrate the amazing photography work people have come to expect from 3 Peaks Photography.

3 Peaks Paint Mines Workshop
3 Peaks astrophotography class

3 main focuses of a multifaceted photographer

Many creatives suffer from the same problem of having multiple facets of what they do, but have a hard time communicating the mastery for each. 3 Peaks website struggled with creating a hierarchy of information, whereas from the outset of the design of the new website we aimed to create multiple sales channels while creating a pecking order of revenue streams to allow users not to be overwhelmed when the land on the website.

3 Peaks Photo Website Designs

Creating value and telling a story through captivating images.

Through world class storytelling and down to earth knowledge of what it takes to launch, a small knit team of creatives and engineers helps any client feel like a partner.Through world class storytelling and down to earth knowledge of what it takes to launch, a small knit team of creatives and engineers helps any client feel like a partner.

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